Help Guides

Privacy Center Setup

This guide will walk you through how to setup and customize Privacy Center for your website in few easy steps.
To get started with CYTRIO privacy platform, create your account.
After you sign up, you will be directed to Domains screen where you can follow the setup wizard as explained below to install Privacy Center instance for your website.

1. Click on Deploy to open the wizard

For the website domain for which you want to deploy the Privacy Center, click on Deploy button under the Privacy Center column which will open the setup wizard.

2. Customize Privacy Center

You can customize your Privacy Center instance by uploading your company logo and by entering your website’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use page URLs, along with a support email distribution list where your data subjects can reach out to in case if they face any issues while logging in to their account on Privacy Center.

Once done, click on Next to move to the second step of the wizard.

3. Add Privacy Center link to Privacy Policy

Copy the Privacy Center link by clicking on Copy button and add to your Privacy Policy page of your website. Your data subjects (end users) can now submit their data requests by clicking on this link and logging into their account.
Once the script has been added to the Privacy Policy page, click on Next to proceed to the deployment verification step.

4. Verify deployment status

In this step, system will verify if the Privacy Center link has been copied in the privacy policy page of your website. Click on Finish once done.

If the system does not find the Privacy Center link on your website Privacy Policy page, then it will show an error message.
If the verification is successful, system will show a success status and you can click on Next to move to the next step.

5. Add ‘Do Not Sell’ link to your website (Optional)

As part of CCPA/CPRA regulation, you can also add an explicit link for your end users to submit a Do Not Sell data request.

Copy the auto-generated link and place it in the footer of your website. This will allow your data subjects to login to their account on Privacy Center and submit a ‘Do not sell or share my information’ request.

Once done, click on Finish.

You should now see Deployed status under the Privacy Center column on the Domains screen.