DSAR Management on Auto-Pilot

DSAR Intake, and automated response workflows for CPRA, CCPA, GDPR compliance







Discover the ease of a complete solution

DSAR Manager

Simplify the DSAR process with data request Intake, requestor identity validation, secure sharing of personal information and request status.

DSAR Response Automation

Streamline the DSAR response process, making it efficient, fast, and cost-effective. Meet response SLAs and reduce risk of errors and fines.


Real-time tracking, reporting and detailed audit log of all activity to meet compliance obligations.

Key Features

Ease the burden of legal compliance with CYTRIO. We help you make it effortless. Get peace of mind and ensure your business stays compliant.

DSAR Intake Portal

A secure and convenient way for individuals to make data requests, while helping organizations manage and process data requests efficiently.

DSAR Response Workflows

Streamline and automate the process of responding to DSAR requests, reduce the time and resources required to handle requests.

Data Subject Identity Validation

Verify the identity of an individual making the request and prevent unauthorized access to personal data.

All-in-One Data Privacy Compliance Platform