Privacy Center

Secure and Transparent DSAR Intake

Data privacy regulations require organizations to provide mechanisms for consumers to submit data subject access requests (DSARs). Most companies choose error prone, manual processes like email, a toll-free phone number, and web forms. The challenge with this is most organizations need to request more personal identifiable information from their consumer to validate their identity. A Privacy Center is a secure portal that provides a direct line of communication for consumers and employees to submit DSARs to an organization. It simplifies the DSAR process without needing to collect additional information. Data subjects are able to submit a request, verify their identity, and view the status of their request. Once the DSAR is completed, the report is securely uploaded into the Privacy Center for the data subject to download. The Privacy Center can be deployed in seconds and can be customized to meet any organization’s branding requirements.

Build Consumer Trust and Loyalty

  • Secure Privacy Center for consumers and employees to submit Data Subject Access Requests
  • Deployed to Privacy Policy in minutes
  • Automatic Identity Validation eliminating the need to request more information

Simple DSAR Submission

  • Simple, 2-click process for consumer or employee to submit request
  • Automatically notifies your company
  • Satisfies required notice to data subject confirming request has been received

Personalized Touch

  • Customize your Privacy Center
  • Upload your logo, link to Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions
  • Configure Privacy Center for your own branding requirements
  • Live in less than 60 seconds

Simple Integrations With Leading Apps
& Data Sources


NextGen Privacy Rights Management